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1. 에펠탑 야경

적용 샷

동영상Relax/Focus in Paris to a View of the Eiffel Tower [4K] - Fake Window for Projector/TVProject this fake window onto a wall or TV (as seen on TikTok) as if you're in your Paris apartment. Want to see more fake windows? Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZQ_9BzMUV_48K6vnGx9BXwLike this video to let us know you wantwww.youtube.com

2. 비오는 정글


동영상4K 10 hours - Tropical Storm Window with Rain & Thunder - relaxation, meditation, nature4K, Ultra HD HDR of a Tropical Storm through a window, including rain, thunder, lightning for 10 hours.Ideal to demo your new 4K HDR TV on or to meditate, sleep, yoga, pilates, live wallpaper, dinner parties or just reading a book with as a nice window twww.youtube.com

3. 비오는 정글 2

적용 샷

동영상4K HDR 10 hours - Jungle Rain Storm - relaxation, calming, ambient, mindfulnessVideo and Audio of a Rainstorm in a jungle through a window in 4K UHD HDR for 10 hours. Perfect for looping to relax, meditate, sleep, yoga, pilates, live wallpaper, studying to, sleeping to, dinner parties or just reading a book with as a nice window towww.youtube.com

4. 포레스트


동영상4K Forest window view - Relaxing, Calming, Ambience#fakewindow​ #fakewindowchallenge​ #beac​4K, Ultra HD window view of a forest view through a wooden window. Perfect to use with a projector in the wall.A perfect cosy setting or window to help with relaxation or fall asleep. Perfect to use durinwww.youtube.com

5. 오로라


동영상4K HDR 10 hours - Mountains & Aurora Borealis Window - relaxing, gentle, calming4K, Ultra HD HDR of the view of a Mountain Range and Aurora Borealis through a window for 10 hours. Accompanied with the light sounds of gentle wind on the cabin and warm crackle of a log fire from within.A perfect cosy setting or window to help with relwww.youtube.com

6. 뉴욕


동영상4K New York City (NYC) view - fake window relaxing soundNew York City (NYC) view - fake window relaxing soundTop View of New York#fakewindow#fakewindowchallenge#NYC#newyorkNew York 4KManhattanNew YorkNew York tourNew York City tour4K videoTourismNew York documentaryManhattan New YorkTimes Squarwww.youtube.com

7. 기타


동영상Jazz Bar in Paris (Jazz Piano) - 3D Ambient Sounds, ASMR for Studying, Relaxing, SleepingHello Mellow: https://bit.ly/2PuLuTRSunset View of Eiffel Tower in Paris Jazz Bar - 3D Ambient Sounds & ASMR for Studying, Relaxing, and SleepingPlease adjust the volume to your preference.List of Soundtracks:-Jazz Piano, Jazz Trumpet-Background conwww.youtube.com


동영상8K Window to Tropical Beach - Calming Sound of Ocean Waves at Sunset - 8 HOURSStart your trip to the perfect tropical beach right now! Listen to 8-HOURS of ocean waves sounds from one of the Hawaiian beaches! Relax while watching 8K nature soundscapes video with beautiful tropical island sceneries. Imagine you are in a room with anwww.youtube.com


동영상8K Window View to Tropical Ocean - 8 Hours of Relaxing Ocean Waves Sounds - Part #2Listen to 8-HOURS of ocean sounds that will help you calm, recharge, and feel relaxed wherever you are. Imagine yourself relaxing on the big panoramic terrace with a view of the ocean. Outside the window is the view of true paradise: boundless azure oceanwww.youtube.com

비오는 럭셔리아파트

동영상Luxury Chicago Apartment / Rain on Window Sounds For Sleeping / Bedroom Ambience / 8HrsRain on window sounds whilst being inside of a cozy virtual Chicago Apartment. The rain is heavy outside, with rain drops lashing against the window, but your warm comfy bed is waiting, with lush plants and warm lighting around you, you get the feeling ofwww.youtube.com

유튜브 검색 방법

window view 8k >존나 고화질
window view 4k >얘도 고화질
window view
fake window
window asmr
window view paris > 기타 원하는 나라로 검색하면 잘나옴

이정도로 검색하면 될듯!

1. 우주




2. 바닷가




3. 비오는 런던




4. 들판




5. 비 + 모닥불




6. 뉴욕




7. 아쿠아리움




8. 센과치히로의 행방불명




'daily' 카테고리의 다른 글

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손민수하고싶은 유튜버  (0) 2021.12.20
저렴이 손민수템 지름 ㅠ  (0) 2021.12.20
화장 손민수하고싶은 유튜버 찾았다..  (0) 2021.12.20

[큰목표 : 빨리 빚갚기, 6개월 이내 300 이상 버는 판매자 되기]


월욜 전까지 도매처 알아보기 

로컬 서류

부가서비스 취소/알뜰폰 등록

사업자 -현금영수증 등록하기 ★

헬스 나가기 ★
jh언니 연락 ~1/9

근무복 빨기

친오빠랑 밥먹기

사업자 과세 알아보기

인계 공부

업체: 포토몬





점제거 레이저토닝 옷사기 향수 오빠 선물 교수님 선물 라식 에어랩 머리하기 다크시술 호텔수건 에프기 브리타 무선청소기 워니아 제습기 바디럽 샤워기 집 에어비앤비처럼 만들기 ㅜㅠ


'think' 카테고리의 다른 글

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짱구는 못말려 닌텐도 스위치 한글판 5월에 출시  (0) 2022.01.28
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살이 너무 많이 쪄벌엿다..  (0) 2021.12.07

1. 책가방: 가벼운거, 물통 별도로 바깥쪽에넣을 수 있는것, 지퍼가 양쪽에 잘 열리는것. A4를 넣을수 있게 입구가 큰것
2. 실내화가방: 입구가 벨크로로 되어 있어 넣고 빼기 쉬운것, 바닥이 네모난것
3. 실내화: 털실내화 no. 실내화 뒷면 가운데 이름쓰기
4. 물통: 뚜껑쉽게 열고 닫을수 있는것

학교마다 선물로 주는 물품이 있어 확인 후 구매
모든 물건은 케이스와 낱개에 모두 이름 쓰기
5. 바구니
6. 크레파스: 케이스와 낱게 모두 이름쓰기
7. 12색 색연필: 케이스와 낱게 모두 이름쓰기
8. 테이프: 잘 뜯어지는것
9. 가위: 보통크기, 너무 작은 유치원용 no
10. 딱풀: 뚜껑 몸통 모두에 이름, 물풀 no
11. 두루마리 휴지:  위 아래 모두 이름쓰기, 사각티슈 no
12. 물티슈: 뚜껑식 100 매짜리, 너무 작은 휴대용은 no
13. 줄넘기: 지퍼백에 넣어, 돌돌말지 않기
14. 여분 색종이
16. 양치도구
17. 작은 우산
18. 필통: 천...


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